Ampuku: The Art of the Abdomen:
The word Ampuku means “The Pulse of the Hara” or “Calming the Abdomen” The Ampuku is a corporal treatment combined with a verbal communication; the corporal work concentrates in the “Hara”, the energetic center of the body, located in the abdomen.
There are two major methods of Ampuku, the physiological method that treats the pathologies of the body, and the emotional method who deals with the roots of the pathologies, manifesting the energetic blockages and the emotional difficulties.
The traditional Ampuku has been created in Japan 400 years ago by the legendary master Ota; Ota used the abdominal work of the traditional Anma as the base for the Ampuku. His idea was creating a balance in the basic qi energy of the abdomen, in order to improve the function of the internal organs and to contribute to the general health and harmony of the body.
The emotional method of the Ampuku connects the imbalance of the body with the blockages that humans had built during their life. Those blockages create the molds which create the diseases in the body. The Ampuku helps starting a personal process that will replace those molds.
The evaluation system of the emotional Ampuku is the ‘’body reading system” by the five great elements of nature. It is an elaborated system that brings humans and nature to the same level of understanding. The system is based on accumulated knowledge from eastern philosophy and medicine, with a combination of modern psychology and the understanding of human behavior and human evolution.
Nature is constructed from five major elements:
Earth Water Fire Air Wood
Human is constructed from the same elements. Each element represents a different kind of energy in the human body. For example, the earth represents the base, the family, the earlier relationships and the sexuality. The water represents the emotions, the creativity Etc.
There are no diseases in nature but sick people. The disease is part of the human personality.
In order to get healthier in a physical and emotional level, humans have to make changes in their behavior patterns, or changes of positioning in their everyday life.
Humans are addicted to their disease, and even if humans consciously want to let the disease go and get healthier, their subconscious fights against this will. In the Ampuku therapy, we are dealing with the gap, between the subconscious and the conscious. We try to help the person to create movement in his life, and to let go the addiction or the disease.