Ampuku and the Five Elements Therapy System:
Group Therapy:
What is the Five Elements System?
This system is an elaborated idea that brings humans and nature to the same level of understanding. It is based on an accumulated knowledge that comes from the eastern philosophy and the eastern medicine, with a combination of modern psychology; it is also based on the understanding of human behavior therapy and the understanding of human evolution.
Nature is constructed from five major elements:
Earth Water Fire Air Wood
Human are constructed from the same elements. Each element represents a different kind of energy in the human body and the human behavior. For example, the earth represents the base, the family, the earlier relationships and the sexuality. The water represents the emotions, the creativity and much more. The fire and the air represent many other characteristics and different kind of energies.
There are no sicknesses in nature, there are sick people. The sickness is part of the human personality. In order to get healthier, humans have to make changes in their life.
The system basic understanding says that humans are addicted to their sickness. In a conscious level, humans want to get better and healthier but they are guarding their sickness in their subconscious and the sickness provides them a guard. It allows them to keep their difficulties and use them in order to gain profit in their life.
The relationship between the subconscious and the conscious is the actual healing process. The group therapy will help the person to create the necessary movement in his internal and external relationships. It will help the person starting a personal healing process and be able to let the addictions leave his life.
The group is designed to emphasize the elements of each participant, and to offer the participants a safe environment where to express their blockages. The participants will use tools of verbal communication, contact and movement; the therapists will create dynamic exercises to create emotional movement inside the group that will help the participants to start this healing process.
The group will meet once a week. Every session will be for 3 hours. In the beginning of each session, the group will choose one person who will work his preferred issue. The person will present the issue to the group and choose few friends to help her with this work. The therapist will direct the session according to the needs of each specific work. In the end of the session the participants will have the opportunity to share their impressions and feelings to the group, and the therapist will make the closure.