Acue Pal – Dam or The Ba Duan Jin
In the Chinese culture the body exercises are divided into eight parts, each part is treating a different area of the human body. The “Ba Duan Jin” is the oldest health exercises in China.
The Chinese says that if we will practice those exercises in a regular base, it will create a good effect on the stomach, the intestine, the kidneys, the breathing system and the nerves system.
It had been said that those exercises can help in different diseases, enforce the general well being of the body, and improve the spirit.1. Two Hands Support the Sky: There are three areas in the body, upper, middle and lower. Each area controls the internal organs that belong to this level. The stretching movement of the hands helps to improve the metabolism in the body, and to regulate the function of the internal organs.
2. Bow and Arrow: In this exercise we apply pressure on the chest area and the hip joint area in order to enhance the breathing circle and the flow of the blood. We have to be concentrated and pay attention to the eyes and to the tip of the fingers. This exercise is also good to improve the viewing ability.
3. One Hand Up: In this exercise we regulate the spleen and the stomach. The Chinese medicine theory says that the spleen is the organ that produces blood in the body, and the stomach is the digesting mechanism. It’s necessary to stretch the hands in opposite direction in an extensive way in order to create a better function of these two organs.
4. Movement of the Head: In this exercise we help and prevent the five damages and the seven injuries. The five damages are: the tension in the viewing that damages the blood (Blood stream), the tension in laying position that damages the breath (breathing system), the tension in sitting position that damages the muscles, the tension in standing position that damages the bones, and the tension walking that damages the tendons. The seven injuries are the two injuries of the breathing system, the blood stream and other internal organs, that happened by adjustment difficulties of the nerves system to the everyday life. Wangdie Witching (2699 BC), the oldest medical book, says that ¨excess of excitement is damaging the heart, excess of anger is damaging the liver, excess of sadness is damaging the lungs, and excess of fear is damaging the kidneys.¨ this exercise reduces the mental tiredness and relaxes the nerves system.
5. Rolling of The Head and the Lower Back: In this exercise we reduce the heat of the heart and the liver. In the TCM it’s been said that every human has his boiling point. We can see this boiling point in several ways: unpleasant smells from the mouth, yellow coating on the tongue, red color inside the eyes and bad temper. All those symptoms are the result of a deficiency in the metabolism harmony. It creates digestive and breathing difficulties. This exercise will help to reduce stress and help the elimination system of the body.
6. Balls of Light and Shaking the Body: In this exercise we will release and tight the joints of the body. When performing this exercise in the right way, the result will be a fresh and elevated soul.
7. Strong Feasts and Look: In this exercise we will increase the strength of the body and the muscle tonus. In the Chinese martial arts it is essential to develop the breathing methods and the spirit ability. This exercise focuses on the concentration of the eyes that will increase the emotional and the physical power in the body.
Touching the Feet: In this exercise we will improve the function of the kidneys and the flexibility of the back muscles. It will improve the quality of the qi energy in the body.