Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Fertility and Emotional Treatment
This article will try to explain the connection between fertility problems and the emotional system of the body.
To treat a client for fertility problems, pains and pathologies of the body or for an emotional difficulty, it is necessary to understand the connection between the disease and the personality of the person. There are no sicknesses in nature there are sick people, the sickness is part of the human personality. The connection between the person and his sickness is tide, the person needs his sickness for his surviving, and it is very difficult for him to let the sickness go.
This approach is not always easy to digest, but we need to understand that a disease invades human bodies, for a reason; we won’t say that the person is asking for his disease, but he is definitely using it when it arrives. The healing process is like letting an addiction; the person and the therapist have to create a supporting system that will replace the addiction (the disease), in order to allow a relatively healthy life. There will be no absolute healing; the healing is a relative condition to the disease.
The theory being used by an Ampuku therapist is “The Five Elements of Nature Theory”. This theory placed humans as part of the system of nature, the processes that a human goes in his life, are the same as the processes of nature, for example wind, flood, dryness or earth shaking, we can try to imagine in ourselves, how this processes feels in the body. As humans we all experience them in our everyday life. Nature have a correcting mechanism to gain balance, humans lost allot of this ability due to the modern life necessities.
Many couples have difficulties in bringing a baby to the world, this couples can be divided in to two groups; the first that have a physical pathologies, and the second who have no known reason for the difficulty of conceiving.
The ability to conceive is nature way to continue the human race. This understanding leads us to think, that the difficulty to conceive is an extreme election of nature. When nature chooses not to allow it, nature is actually asking from the person to make a change and to fix the internal unbalance.
This unbalance starts building up in the first steps of life, when some kids are experiencing a high level of criticism; this criticism creates a physical or emotional castration of the reproductive system. Not all kids that experience criticism will develop this unbalance, every human have a different constitution, some will have the power of protecting themselves. I remind you that the sickness is part of the human personality.
The five elements theory says that the earth element is connected to the mother, representing the stability, the safeness and the sexuality, the fire element is connected to the father, representing the movement ability and the creativity. The ability to get pregnant is blocked due to many years of facing difficult relationships with these two elements. The stress and frustration of a couple who are facing this situation is adding a big difficulty to the process.
The Ampuku therapist will create a healing process with the couple, reliving the hi stress level, working to find the source of the problem through emotional work, and applying body work techniques to balance the reproductive system of both women and man.
The “Five Elements of Nature Theory” will help the couple understand the way of nature in the process of conceiving. It will help them in everyday life encounters, it will help the internal relationship between the couple, and it will improve their quality of life and the ability to except the new born in a natural way, helping him develop in a healthy and happy family.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
An – pressing Ma – rubbing
Known also in the traditional name “A relaxed arm movement”.
The Anma is one of the oldest healing arts in the world, the art originated in China 5000 years ago; It is based on the philosophy of Taoism, the model of “Yin and Yang” and the Chinese “5 elements theory”.
Approximately 1500 years ago, the Anma arrived to Japan by worrier’s monks that have been sent by the emperor, to bring different Chinese arts that will enrich the Japanese culture.
In Japan the Anma has been adjusted to the Japanese culture and the locals needs. The form of the Anma we practice today is the Japanese one. Many of the healing arts we know today, like Shiatsu, Tuina, Swedish massage and more are based on the Anma.
Anma is based on “traditional Chinese medicine”. The therapist is using different kinds of stimulation techniques on the Qi points, which are located on the meridian system of the body. The therapist will use a large variety of exercises and stretches on all parts of the body. The main purpose of the work is to stimulate the Qi points, and release muscle tension, to create energy movement in the meridians system of the body. And also to create a better blood circulation and Qi circulation, all that in order to improve the body ability to heal itself.
The Anma can be used as a preventive treatment, or to treat problems such as: headaches, cold, asthma, numbness in the body, high and low blood pressure, digestive problems, breathing problems, gynecological problems, insomnia and sexual difficulties.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Ampuku: The Art of the Abdomen:
The word Ampuku means “The Pulse of the Hara” or “Calming the Abdomen” The Ampuku is a corporal treatment combined with a verbal communication; the corporal work concentrates in the “Hara”, the energetic center of the body, located in the abdomen.
There are two major methods of Ampuku, the physiological method that treats the pathologies of the body, and the emotional method who deals with the roots of the pathologies, manifesting the energetic blockages and the emotional difficulties.
The traditional Ampuku has been created in Japan 400 years ago by the legendary master Ota; Ota used the abdominal work of the traditional Anma as the base for the Ampuku. His idea was creating a balance in the basic qi energy of the abdomen, in order to improve the function of the internal organs and to contribute to the general health and harmony of the body.
The emotional method of the Ampuku connects the imbalance of the body with the blockages that humans had built during their life. Those blockages create the molds which create the diseases in the body. The Ampuku helps starting a personal process that will replace those molds.
The evaluation system of the emotional Ampuku is the ‘’body reading system” by the five great elements of nature. It is an elaborated system that brings humans and nature to the same level of understanding. The system is based on accumulated knowledge from eastern philosophy and medicine, with a combination of modern psychology and the understanding of human behavior and human evolution.
Nature is constructed from five major elements:
Earth Water Fire Air Wood
Human is constructed from the same elements. Each element represents a different kind of energy in the human body. For example, the earth represents the base, the family, the earlier relationships and the sexuality. The water represents the emotions, the creativity Etc.
There are no diseases in nature but sick people. The disease is part of the human personality.
In order to get healthier in a physical and emotional level, humans have to make changes in their behavior patterns, or changes of positioning in their everyday life.
Humans are addicted to their disease, and even if humans consciously want to let the disease go and get healthier, their subconscious fights against this will. In the Ampuku therapy, we are dealing with the gap, between the subconscious and the conscious. We try to help the person to create movement in his life, and to let go the addiction or the disease.
The human body is like a mirror that reflects the internal emotional and physical state of the human. When we will observe humans, we will see the external expression of the internal blockages; these blockages are the cause of the physical and the emotional disease.
How is a blockage generating in the body?
The body receives an external stimulation, which creates a sensation, which creates a need, which creates a feeling, which creates an impulse.
This is an energetic process of nature that happens each time the body is receiving stimulations. The impulse that comes in the end of this process is the need to give an answer to this primer stimulation. This impulse has a real energetic power.
Humans can deal with that impulse in two ways:
1. Expression as a reaction to this impulse.
2. Oppression as a no reaction to this impulse.
The expression is naturally continuing the process, its releasing energy and creating a flow. The oppression is stopping the energetic process, it’s like saying the world “no”, it is creating a blockage that creates deaths in places where it appears. An energetic blockage is very powerful, it is equal to a vain or an artery blockage and the blockage will create damage to body tissues, and eventually will create the disease.
Humans must express to help the immune system to prevent diseases.
There is no disease in nature; there are sick people, the disease is part of the human personality, and it has been created in the body as a consequence of the oppressions that the human has accumulated in his life.
These blockages create the molds of life, those molds are what the human is identifying as himself. In order to create a healing process a human will have to make personal changes and changes in his patterns of behavior. The first blockages start accumulating in the body when the baby is inside his mother. His connection to the world is through his mother, his primer necessities are being fulfilled by the mother, the mother behavior will determine the baby first blockages.
When a new born baby feels in danger, he gets into a surviving mode, and he starts accumulating blockages. The ability of this baby to create connections with the society later in his life will be
determined by these first hours of life, by the level of the blockages he has built in order to survive.
There are three levels of blockages:
1. Muscles and tendons blockages.
2. Internal organs and energetic blockages.
3. Heart and emotional blockages.
The natural tendency of humans is to protect their blockages; Humans are recognizing the blockages as molds of life. This protection diminishes the ability of the immune system to prevent diseases.
Balance is relative in life and it is based on movement. To achieve balance, we have to walk the way toward healing.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Acue Pal – Dam or The Ba Duan Jin
In the Chinese culture the body exercises are divided into eight parts, each part is treating a different area of the human body. The “Ba Duan Jin” is the oldest health exercises in China.
The Chinese says that if we will practice those exercises in a regular base, it will create a good effect on the stomach, the intestine, the kidneys, the breathing system and the nerves system.
It had been said that those exercises can help in different diseases, enforce the general well being of the body, and improve the spirit.1. Two Hands Support the Sky: There are three areas in the body, upper, middle and lower. Each area controls the internal organs that belong to this level. The stretching movement of the hands helps to improve the metabolism in the body, and to regulate the function of the internal organs.
2. Bow and Arrow: In this exercise we apply pressure on the chest area and the hip joint area in order to enhance the breathing circle and the flow of the blood. We have to be concentrated and pay attention to the eyes and to the tip of the fingers. This exercise is also good to improve the viewing ability.
3. One Hand Up: In this exercise we regulate the spleen and the stomach. The Chinese medicine theory says that the spleen is the organ that produces blood in the body, and the stomach is the digesting mechanism. It’s necessary to stretch the hands in opposite direction in an extensive way in order to create a better function of these two organs.
4. Movement of the Head: In this exercise we help and prevent the five damages and the seven injuries. The five damages are: the tension in the viewing that damages the blood (Blood stream), the tension in laying position that damages the breath (breathing system), the tension in sitting position that damages the muscles, the tension in standing position that damages the bones, and the tension walking that damages the tendons. The seven injuries are the two injuries of the breathing system, the blood stream and other internal organs, that happened by adjustment difficulties of the nerves system to the everyday life. Wangdie Witching (2699 BC), the oldest medical book, says that ¨excess of excitement is damaging the heart, excess of anger is damaging the liver, excess of sadness is damaging the lungs, and excess of fear is damaging the kidneys.¨ this exercise reduces the mental tiredness and relaxes the nerves system.
5. Rolling of The Head and the Lower Back: In this exercise we reduce the heat of the heart and the liver. In the TCM it’s been said that every human has his boiling point. We can see this boiling point in several ways: unpleasant smells from the mouth, yellow coating on the tongue, red color inside the eyes and bad temper. All those symptoms are the result of a deficiency in the metabolism harmony. It creates digestive and breathing difficulties. This exercise will help to reduce stress and help the elimination system of the body.
6. Balls of Light and Shaking the Body: In this exercise we will release and tight the joints of the body. When performing this exercise in the right way, the result will be a fresh and elevated soul.
7. Strong Feasts and Look: In this exercise we will increase the strength of the body and the muscle tonus. In the Chinese martial arts it is essential to develop the breathing methods and the spirit ability. This exercise focuses on the concentration of the eyes that will increase the emotional and the physical power in the body.
Touching the Feet: In this exercise we will improve the function of the kidneys and the flexibility of the back muscles. It will improve the quality of the qi energy in the body.
Ampuku and the Five Elements Therapy System:
Group Therapy:
What is the Five Elements System?
This system is an elaborated idea that brings humans and nature to the same level of understanding. It is based on an accumulated knowledge that comes from the eastern philosophy and the eastern medicine, with a combination of modern psychology; it is also based on the understanding of human behavior therapy and the understanding of human evolution.
Nature is constructed from five major elements:
Earth Water Fire Air Wood
Human are constructed from the same elements. Each element represents a different kind of energy in the human body and the human behavior. For example, the earth represents the base, the family, the earlier relationships and the sexuality. The water represents the emotions, the creativity and much more. The fire and the air represent many other characteristics and different kind of energies.
There are no sicknesses in nature, there are sick people. The sickness is part of the human personality. In order to get healthier, humans have to make changes in their life.
The system basic understanding says that humans are addicted to their sickness. In a conscious level, humans want to get better and healthier but they are guarding their sickness in their subconscious and the sickness provides them a guard. It allows them to keep their difficulties and use them in order to gain profit in their life.
The relationship between the subconscious and the conscious is the actual healing process. The group therapy will help the person to create the necessary movement in his internal and external relationships. It will help the person starting a personal healing process and be able to let the addictions leave his life.
The group is designed to emphasize the elements of each participant, and to offer the participants a safe environment where to express their blockages. The participants will use tools of verbal communication, contact and movement; the therapists will create dynamic exercises to create emotional movement inside the group that will help the participants to start this healing process.
The group will meet once a week. Every session will be for 3 hours. In the beginning of each session, the group will choose one person who will work his preferred issue. The person will present the issue to the group and choose few friends to help her with this work. The therapist will direct the session according to the needs of each specific work. In the end of the session the participants will have the opportunity to share their impressions and feelings to the group, and the therapist will make the closure.
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